Thursday 25 April 2013

Why I don't like Rose

I've recently met the Doctor. I know, the show's only been running for fifty years, but that's how I roll - always late! Anyway, I've spent the last few weeks in the Tardis (hoping my dear beloved one does not notice... I think he did but he is too kind to point it out to me... very loudly). I've also seen some of the fandom's opinions and it seems that everyone's favourite companion is Rose. So why don't I like her? (Especially since my favourite Doctor seems to be everyone's favourite Doctor - hey, number ten!)
Warning: Spoilers ahead!

I don't like Rose. It's not her background, I'm not that superficial. No, seriously. I've liked characters from various backgrounds and the background was not important to me. Neither do I think she's "a clingy girlfriend" as some have called her. Alright, maybe I do think that, but I also know that it's not fair, because there is only a thin line between "Ooh, how romantic, she crossed the dimensions just to be with him! She did everything for her love!" and "Stop bothering him, woman, he doesn't want you!"
What I really don't like about Rose is how ungrateful she is. There's this situation when the Doctor offers her to go to an alternative dimension so that she could be with her family, but she refuses. Then there is some trouble and Rose almost gets sucked into nonexistence, but she is saved by her father who takes her to the alternative dimension. The same dimension where she did not want to go, sure, but it was either that or death. What does Rose do? Does she thank her father? Does she hug her mother? No. She runs to the wall and cries in anger because she was separated from her Doctor! Instead of being grateful that she's still alive, she gets angry! Good heavens, woman, get a grip! Another situation: After years of jumping across dimensions (and not giving a damn about ripping the fabric of reality), Rose meets the Doctor again. Then, many things happen and Rose ends up back in her alternative dimension with the Doctor's clone, who is actually human and most probably loves her. Is she grateful that she now has her own Doctor who will grow old with her? The man who has the same memories as the Doctor? No. She wants only the real Doctor. Are you serious, Rose? You should be happy that you are alive, you should be jumping with joy that the man you (supposedly) love has given a part of himself to you to keep - he could have just ignored you, you know - but you keep whining about how it's not what you want! Like a little brat.
(Mind you, both of those situations happened just after I started changing my opinion on Rose to the positive. Just when I started to think that she probably was not that bad, she did one of those things and basically killed it.)
Another thing that I hate about Rose is how she treats Mickey. He is her boyfriend, yet she does not hesitate to leave him for a man she just met. She comes back to see Mickey a few times but she always leaves. Has anyone else noticed that she actually never breaks up with Mickey? She never says: "Hey Mickey, I think I am a lost case, you should probably start looking for a new girlfriend." She just keeps coming and going and seems to expect Mickey to be there for her whenever she needs him. I find this very annoying. There are girls in this world who would love a boyfriend like Mickey and would really appreciate him, yet he is "blocked" by this woman who does not really need him! That is so unfair and selfish of you, Rose!
And yet another thing: Rose never does what the Doctor tells her to do: "Don't wander off!" Rose wanders off. "Don't save your father or it will distort the reality!" Rose goes and saves her father - and reality gets distorted. "Don't go and contact your father, we are in an alternative dimension, you were never born here, he won't recognize you!" Rose goes and contacts her father, he does not recognize her (because she was never born) and she gets angry! Rose, are you stupid or what? Why don't you ever listen to the Doctor?
So, those are the reasons why I don't like Rose. Perhaps I just don't understand why she does those things. Perhaps I just don't understand her train of thought. But that is exactly the problem: I cannot identify with her. And that's why I don't like her.
(Also: Nineteen?!)

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